Fleet Management

All Data in One dashboard
Find real-time data of what is happening with your fleet including service reminders, repair costs, licenes, efficiency etc.
Receive automated service or license reminders, depending on historical data or specific dates

Repair Costs
Manage all repair costs of your fleet including servicing, licenses, and actual upload of invoices.
Vehicle Inspections
Inspect your vehicles using digital forms on a dedicate app, with specific reminders, and linked to the repairs module for any damages.

Fleet Efficiency
The bigger the company fleet, the more challenging it is to understand whether the company has enough or too many/too little vehicles. There can be a situation when some vehicles are used only a few times a month and selling them would reduce some maintenance costs for the company. To understand what decision would be the best for the company, the fleet efficiency solution is created.
Incredible Detail
Features of the Module
- Fleet Overview
- Fleet Efficiency
- Service Reminders
- Repair Costs
- Documents & Licenses
- Vehicle Inspections
- Inspection Plans
- Historical Damage

Competitive advantage
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Get it now !Why choose TrackMT
Advanced Fleet Management
This highly configurable module can give a lot more in return, by incorporating any vehicle costs, and efficiency into simple dashboards
Servicing & Repairs
With automated reminders and repair costs, you can stay in control of your fleet, and use that data to make imporant desicions
With Vehicle Inspections being part of the Fleet Management Module you can be more efficient since the data is already there